Frequently Asked Questions

Paint Splats

Health and Safety on our Holiday Clubs

Are you registered with OFSTED?
Yes, all Art Camps are registered on Ofsted’s voluntary/compulsory register. We work thoroughly alongside Ofsted to guarantee we work within their effective and recognised standards and procedures.

What’s your safeguarding policy?
Art Camp UK is steadfast in safeguarding and fostering the welfare of children. “Safer recruitment” is fundamental to the way we work and all staff are passionate in our commitment to safeguarding, constantly constructing a setting where young people feel safe and can blossom. Policies are at the bottom of the page just click the policy link to view all policies.

My child has a medical condition – can they still attend Art Camp?
During booking, you are asked to share as much information as possible about any medical condition your child may have before camp starts. Please give our Director Jon a phone call to discuss any needs your child may require. We will strive to accommodate your child’s need as much as we can. Please read our additional needs policy. All of our policies are at the bottom of every page just click the policy link. We can’t offer a one2one support or personal care as a rule. To discuss your needs please phone up Jon on 07944558232.

What is your Nut Policy?
We have a ZERO NUTS Policy at Art Camp UK (Please do not bring nuts on to site. Please speak to our site manager if your child has an EpiPen.

Are you insured?
All Art Camp’s are fully insured with employer’s liability and public liability insurance cover giving you peace of mind.

How many children are there – do you group them by age?
Yes we group them by age, we have on average 45 children attend each camp.
The groups work out 4.5-6, 6-12.

How many adults do you have supporting how many children?
We have one practitioner + one support per bubble we also have an onsite manager.

Do you take kiddi-vouchers or childcare vouchers as payment?

What happens if my child has an accident?
At Art Camp sometimes accidents happen, from time to time. Each Art Camp has at least one first aid qualified staff member who can make an assessment, deliver First Aid and certify your child is OK. An accident and report form will be completed detailing correctly what happened and the actions taken, this will be discussed with you at the end of the day, or if it is warranted we shall make a phone call to you. We have health and safety policies in place to ensure your child is safe on camp.

Bullying, Child protection, Behaviour & Complaints
We have inclusive policies and measures relating to child protection, bullying, behaviour and complaints. Policy link is at the bottom of every page on this site. 

Formulating and Altering Bookings at our Holiday Camps in Leeds

What should I do if my child is sick or unable to attend Art Camp?
If your child is too unwell to attend our holiday camp, you can call our Manager on 07944558232 or email us on who will be able to notify the site manager. They will also be able to guide you on the best time for your child to return to Art Camp to prevent other children becoming sick.

Can I book individual days or short weeks?
Yes. Many Camps have been only allowing block bookings which we believe isn’t very helpful to parents who only require certain days of care. Art Camp is a service and we are pleased to offer this service to you when you need it.

Can I make changes to my booking?
Yes, you can change your booking online if we have the space available on the alternative dates that you require.
Note: In the event that your camp is cancelled due to COVID-19, you are entitled to a 100% refund, or we can hold your booking as credit for future camps.

FAQs on COVID-19

What happens if a child is showing symptoms of Covid-19 whilst attending the holiday camp?
All parents are asked to declare that their household is showing no signs of Covid-19 symptoms prior to attendance. We also ask you to phone us up and have a chat if you have any concerns or any questions. Our staff are trained on the signs of Covid-19, we have an isolation room where will accompany your child and call the parents for collection. We are proud to inform you that during 2020 we ran our camps under strict Covid guidelines and successfully ran our camps without one Covid case. I’d like to thank our fabulous parents who have shown due diligence and huge responsibility in keeping everyone safe.

What transpires if my holiday camp can’t go ahead due to Covid-19?
If we have to annul the camp this summer, you will be entitled to a full refund. We will email you observing the cancellation and include details of how to claim your refund.

Should I wait until nearer the time to see if Art Camp definitely goes ahead before booking camp?
No, we have been incredibly busy and we tend to offer the early booking options to our loyal Art Campers and our mailing list before going public. I would advise registering with our mailing list so you can be notified when we open our bookings for camp. If we have to cancel camp, you’ll be eligible to a full reimbursement via the method you paid.

We’ve decided not to send our kids to this holiday camp due to the pandemic, can we get our money back?
When our Art Camps are still going ahead, our cancellation policy applies. Details can be found at the bottom of the page. Click the link for Policies.

I have payments outstanding to be withdrawn I don’t know if Art Camp is still going ahead, what should I do?
If you haven’t received an email cancellation of camp, presume camp is going ahead and payments will be taken as planned. If Art Camp has to cancel camp, you’ll be eligible to a full refund via the same method you paid.

Are you offering any camps to support Key Workers this summer?
Yes a high percentage of parents are key workers.

Paint Splats

More than just a Holiday Club!

If you have any questions please contact us and we will respond as soon as we can.

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