About us and who we are

Teachers in fancy dress
Santa giving a kid a present

Our motto :-“To have as much fun as humanly possible every single day”

Art camp is an OFSTED registered childcare provider, it was created by artists and is run by artists since 2019.

We employ professional artists who are experienced in teaching and we pay artists a professional daily rate. All our staff are DBS registered and are employed through the safer employment process. We offer CPD with a variety of certificates to our staff. Art Camp always has at least one safeguarding and first aider on site at all times.

Each camp has a unique wake up shake up in the mornings that has a focus on the children building up their confidence and having some fun.

We love what we do, we love working with the children watching them create and grow and most importantly have fun in the process.

When we first started Art Camp, “I noticed that some people have this unique ability to walk into a room and light it up with passion and completely engage the children” This is what we look for in all our staff.

We spend such a long time planning our programs, finding new workshops, making each art camp unique and fun, we have turned running Art Camp into an art form in itself.

We consider ourselves a family and we love being a part of the local community.

We want to inspire the next generation of children to be confident, creative, and resilient!
We are here to not just help parents with childcare during the school holidays, but also to teach children new skills for life!

More than just a holiday club!!

We are a fun factory for kids aged 4 and a half to 12 years old.

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